APQP was originally announced by the automotive industry in the early zeros. Later, the wind turbine industry adopted the concepts and spread them to its suppliers. In the beginning without much support for methodology and documentation, but this is what is then managed via APQP4Wind.

Today, the terms are used more generally and successfully - also in other industries. This is because the methods provide a detailed insight into own processes and products, which can be used to raise the quality level throughout the company. Here are some practical definitions that might help you along the way:

APQP - Advanced product quality planning
That's the title of the concept world we're entering.

PPAP - Production Part Approval Process
It is most often the summary document in which the requirements are specified.

SIX sigma
It's old medicine in new bottles! Six Sigma specifies requirements for process capability, which are described in SPC - Statistic Process Control. Concepts such as CP and CPK are defined here, which are absolutely central in that context. Cue Management is happy to introduce the concepts as well as calculation methods based on concrete process measurements.

FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
These are very specific methods for hedging risks in a given process. By quantifying the magnitude of the consequence and probability of a possible event, a well-defined value for risk is obtained. The FMEA adds another variable, which expresses the possibility of stopping the error before release. By multiplying the three figures, an overall expression of error risk is obtained from the customer's perspective, which makes good sense in many contexts. Cue Management introduces tools, concepts, criteria and methods.

In addition, there may be requirements to describe and maintain the production process and approval procedure for a given product. Here, there will often be a requirement for renewed approval if the product or process is changed

Take Cue Management on the journey to better quality by introducing concrete methods, procedures and understanding.