APQP was originally announced by the automotive industry in the early zeros. Later, the wind turbine industry adopted the concepts and spread them to its suppliers. In the beginning without much support for methodology and documentation, but this is what is then managed via APQP4Wind.

Today, the terms are used more generally and successfully - also in other industries. This is because the methods provide a detailed insight into own processes and products, which can be used to raise the quality level throughout the company. Here are some practical definitions that might help you along the way:

APQP - Advanced product quality planning
That's the title of the concept world we're entering.

PPAP - Production Part Approval Process
It is most often the summary document in which the requirements are specified.

SIX sigma
It's old medicine in new bottles! Six Sigma specifies requirements for process capability, which are described in SPC - Statistic Process Control. Concepts such as CP and CPK are defined here, which are absolutely central in that context. Cue Management is happy to introduce the concepts as well as calculation methods based on concrete process measurements.

FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
These are very specific methods for hedging risks in a given process. By quantifying the magnitude of the consequence and probability of a possible event, a well-defined value for risk is obtained. The FMEA adds another variable, which expresses the possibility of stopping the error before release. By multiplying the three figures, an overall expression of error risk is obtained from the customer's perspective, which makes good sense in many contexts. Cue Management introduces tools, concepts, criteria and methods.

In addition, there may be requirements to describe and maintain the production process and approval procedure for a given product. Here, there will often be a requirement for renewed approval if the product or process is changed

Take Cue Management on the journey to better quality by introducing concrete methods, procedures and understanding.

ProcesLink is a web-based system that connects process flows with instructions and other descriptions in a logical and intuitive way.

Because the flow diagrams show the process visually, there is often no need to describe many more details. The instructions that are needed are therefore short and precise and concentrate on activities, responsibilities and powers as well as the IT environment and archive. ProcesLink meets the process requirement of ISO9001.

ProcesLink is Cue Management's proposal for a framework tool for building a certifiable management system. Together with my advice, sparring and seal of approval, this package might be your sure path to certification.

The web part can be installed on your own server, in the cloud or I can arrange a suitable host. There is version control on documents and daily backups are performed.

Contact me for an online demonstration of the system

All companies experience, manage and live with risks to a greater or lesser extent. Just not everyone is talking about it. And not everyone who gets the risks listed, evaluated, sorted and treated in a controlled manner.

Risks arise in many places in the company. In the daily operation, it is for example in the projects, when choosing suppliers and customers and when hiring and firing employees. At the business level, there are also risks. Some are larger and more complex, while others can have serious consequences. For example, there may be a shortage of skilled labor or the prospect of a changing market. At that level, it may be relevant to share risks with the management team or even with the board. It can often be a good idea to link risk management and strategy.

Risk management follows this process: 

It is thus about moving from a risky condition to an acceptable condition by working with these terms:

  • Identify risks

  • Assess and prioritize risks

  • Define actions that address the risks

  • Perform and follow up on the effect of the actions

This management requires systematics. I have readily available tools and methods for managing risks both in operations and at the business level. Finally, I facilitate the process from identification to target management and follow-up.

As a business leader or owner, you will find that risks put into the system become much easier to deal with and it will have a positive impact on your night's sleep.

I am happy to participate in professional board work in small and medium-sized production companies in the following industries:

  • Metal processing
  • Electronics and software
  • Plastics and composites
  • Marine
  • Energy
  • Automotive

For sparring with the management and key employees, I invite you with competencies and experience within

  • Certification
  • Strategy
  • Automation
  • Risk management
  • Digitization
  • Sustainability and environmental management
  • APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC and six sigma

The board work can possibly be combined with more operational consulting services in the mentioned areas

Contakt me on

  • phone +45 22 24 02 23, preferably as an SMS
  • mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Book me for a non-committal meeting either at your place or via Teams, Zoom, Skype or similar.